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About the Book

Publisher: EDITORA CRV
ISBN: 978-85-444-3593-9
DOI: 10.24824 / 978854443593.9
Year of publication: 2019
Number of pages: 114
Book Format: 14x21 cm
Edition Number: 1


General Information



How did the idea for this book come out?

Com surgiu a ideia deste livro
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"Sempre conversamos nos corredores da universidade sobre a alimentação nas escolas de nossos filhos. Entre uma aula e outra, um café e outro, lá estávamos,

 comentando sobre o lanche na creche da Liz, a cantina na escolinha do João, dentre outros temas que surgiam.  “Isso daria um livro!”, foi o que pensamos num dia..."

This book was born of the friendship between the organizing authors, who work together at UFRJ. The book arose from a mixture of their experiences with schools in university extension activities, and personal experiences in the role of Ana Eliza, Liz's mother, and Priscila, João's mother.

Chat with Author

Profa. Priscilla Bridges

What is different about this book?

O que o livro tem de diferente

"As  professoras foram me passando os textos, fui lendo e fazendo, as ideias foram fluindo com facilidade. "

The book talks about food at school  in everyday language, through the discussion of real cases, experienced by the authors. The original and humorous illustrations made by cartoonist Zop are another strong motivation for reading.  

Chat with Illustrator

Cartoonist Zop

Por que falamos também em saúde bucal

Why talking about oral health?


"A ideia de um capítulo de odontologia no livro surgiu de uma conversa que tive com a Ana em Blumenau, quando levávamos as crianças para brincar... Ao atender meus pacientes, vejo na prática a relação entre a qualidade da alimentação na escola e a ocorrência da cárie."

Talking about food at school is also talking about oral health! This is another difference in this book, which brings a chapter on the relationship between food and hygiene care at school to prevent caries among our children and young people.

Chat with Author

Pediatric Dentist Bete Goedert

Book launches


There was in-person book launch at the Nobel bookstore in Macaé, at Brooks in Niterói and in the city of Porto, in Portugal. Moments of great celebration and exchange of knowledge with all participants.

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