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NESANE Educational Materials

We provide here educational materials produced by NESANE's team. There are videos, folders, flyers, among other materials on nutrition and healthy eating. Feel free to consult, use, or share. Help yourself!
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PNAE e Cantinas Saudáveis nas Escolas

Format: Flyer (fact sheet style), print front/back, size 7: 5

Purpose: To share quick short information to instigate families, teachers and school managers to think about the importance of PNAE and to be aware of the food available in school canteens.

Disclosure: can be printed or shared in electronic format. Download here

Date: March 2020


PNAE e Cantinas Saudáveis nas Escolas

Format: Flyer (fact sheet style), print front/back, size 7: 5

Purpose: To share quick short information to instigate families, teachers and school managers to think about the importance of PNAE and to be aware of the food available in school canteens.

Disclosure: can be printed or shared in electronic format. Download here

Date: March 2020

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PNAE e Cantinas Saudáveis nas Escolas

Format: Flyer (fact sheet style), print front/back, size 7: 5

Purpose: To share quick short information to instigate families, teachers and school managers to think about the importance of PNAE and to be aware of the food available in school canteens.

Disclosure: can be printed or shared in electronic format. Download here

Date: March 2020

PNAE e Cantinas Saudáveis nas Escolas

Format: Flyer (fact sheet style), print front/back, size 7: 5

Purpose: To share quick short information to instigate families, teachers, and school managers to think about the importance of PNAE and to be aware of the food available in school canteens.

Disclosure: can be printed or shared in electronic format. Download here

Date: March 2020

PNAE e Cantinas Saudáveis nas Escolas

Format: Flyer (fact sheet style), print front/back, size 7: 5

Purpose: To share quick short information to instigate families, teachers, and school managers to think about the importance of PNAE and to be aware of the food available in school canteens.

Disclosure: can be printed or shared in electronic format. Download here

Date: March 2020

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PNAE e Cantinas Saudáveis nas Escolas

Format: Flyer (fact sheet style), print front/back, size 7: 5

Purpose: To share quick short information to instigate families, teachers, and school managers to think about the importance of PNAE and to be aware of the food available in school canteens.

Disclosure: can be printed or shared in electronic format. Download here

Date: March 2020

Fact Sheet PNAE e Cantinas Saudáveis. Fr

PNAE e Cantinas Saudáveis nas Escolas

Format: Flyer (fact sheet style), print front/back, size 7: 5

Purpose: To share quick short information to instigate families, teachers and school managers to think about the importance of PNAE and to be aware of the food available in school canteens.

Disclosure: can be printed or shared in electronic format. Download here

Date: March 2020


Conversa sobre Alimentação na Escola

Format: Book

Objective: To establish a dialogue with educators and students' families about the importance of school feeding. Can be used in courses, workshops, and group conversations.

Disclosure: can be purchased (hard-copy or e-book). Access here

Year of publication: 2019

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Conversa sobre Alimentação na Escola

Format: Book

Objective: To establish a dialogue with educators and students' families about the importance of school feeding. Can be used in courses, workshops, and group conversations.

Disclosure: can be purchased (hard-copy or e-book). Access here

Year of publication: 2019

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