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NESANE - Center for the Study of School Health and Nutrition

Registration at the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq):

Institutional Affiliation: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) - Campus of Macaé

Leaders: Ana Eliza Port Lourenço, Luana Silva MonteiroNaiara Sperandio and Priscila Vieira Pontes

Caderno escolar

We are professors, university students, and professionals

united to promote health and nutrition in schools, and

generate  knowledge and citizenship

About us

NESANE is a study center of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Campus of Macaé. We offer courses and develop research and extension activities about school health and nutrition in Macaé and beyond. We are professors, undergrad and graduate students, and local professionals who work jointly to promote health and nutrition in schools and generate knowledge and citizenship.


NESANE aims to articulate people, actions, and studies on different themes, such as nutritional status of students and teachers; school food environment; food and nutrition education; promotion of adequate and healthy food; evaluation of school meals; and professional education on health and nutrition. See here our main research themes and extension actions that we have developed with students, families, and educators. 

Why creating this center?

Building study centers helps to integrate teaching, research, and extension, because it provides mutual support between projects, professors, students, and local professionals, in both logistical and in terms of common use of data and joint actions. This support is particularly important for new satellite campuses, such as UFRJ Macaé in the north of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Our Ideals

  • We support public education. 

  • We believe teaching and research must go hand in hand with extension actions, in order to train professionals, produce knowledge, and contribute to the development of society.

  • We understand nutrition and healthy food beyond biological aspects, including political, social, and cultural dimensions, related to what we eat, when and how we eat, and why the food choices we make.

  • We believe health education should take place in a non-vertical manner, with a focus on dialogue and on exchanges between popular and academic knowledge.

  • We perceive schools, whether in early childhood education or in elementary, middle, and higher education, as a special place for promoting health and building habits for life.

University and society united for health and

nutrition in schools

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